Community Housing Asset Performance Report (CHAPR)

The CHAPR provides a summary of the property data recorded by the provider. It is populated when a return is completed and represents a snapshot of property characteristics for the reporting period. Most fields in the CHAPR will be auto calculated however some providers will be required to manually enter details of Planned Growth if this is relevant to their business.

This section describes the information collected in the CHAPR and how the calculations are derived from the property data list.

The information recorded in the CHAPR will help Analysts determine eligibility to register, to assess the tier of registration and also as contextual background for assessing providers’ capacity to comply with or compliance with performance outcome 2 (asset management).

It is important that property data is up to date prior to generating the summary of community housing asset data. If any property data used to populate the CHAPR is missing or incorrectly entered the calculation will not be completed and the return may not be submitted.

Zero base at Application for Registration

Providers with no community housing assets when seeking registration will have a specific plan to operate at a certain scale. These providers are still required to calculate the CHAPR and manually enter details of the planned growth.

Which fields are calculated in the CHAPR?

The following fields in the CHAPR which will be calculated based on the information recorded in the property data list:

  • ownership
    • owned (wholly or partly)
    • managed on behalf of another entity
  • maintenance liabilities
    • no responsibility for maintenance
    • responsive repairs only
    • responsive and cyclical/ planned
    • all responsibilities (incl structural)
  • type of Accommodation
    • long term
    • short to medium term housing
    • crisis
    • boarding house units
    • NRAS
    • affordable housing
    • SDA
    • other
    • private rental housing
  • Class of asset
    • Class A – E
    • Other
  • State Housing Vested Interested
  • Age of Portfolio – Responsive and cyclical responsibilities
  • Age of Portfolio – Lifecycle responsibilities
  • net leases
  • change of assets owned.

Each of the calculations are linked to one or many questions recorded in the property data list. For example, the year of construction and the Maintenance Liability recorded for each property is used to calculate the fields relating to the age of the portfolio.

Note: The calculations recorded in the CHAPR may be different to the calculations on the Accounts page in CHRIS. The Accounts page is real time reporting of property data whereas the CHAPR is a snapshot for the reporting period.

Planned growth – 5 years

Community housing development activities refer to property development involving the construction or major refurbishment of community housing assets. Planned growth is manually entered in the CHAPR

All providers whose portfolio is planned to change over the next five years should manually complete this section about the type and scale of changes.

This is only completed if the provider is engaged in community housing development or acquisition activity. Providers should note that development includes major refurbishment of properties as well as new dwelling construction. Major refurbishment would typically involve extensive external and internal building work and is unlikely to be carried out with tenants in occupation.

Development activities are classified as:

  • lower risk if the provider is involved in a one-off and very small scale development activity
  • moderate risk if the provider is involved in small-scale development activities
  • higher risk if the provider is involved in ongoing development activities at scale.

The assessment of development scale (which is set relative to the national market) involves a range of considerations. For this reason it is difficult to set quantitative measures which will in any case be influenced by economic factors and funding opportunities.

Planned growth and tier assessment

Registrars will take into account the number of units involved, the costs, financing arrangements and complexity of the development(s) in their tier assessment.

Registrars will also take into account whether a provider’s program is ‘ongoing’. This refers to the existence of a committed forward development program.

It does not necessarily require that particular schemes are ‘shovel ready’ but that, for example:

  • there is a contract or agreement to meet development targets;
  • a tender has been recently won to deliver a project;
  • there are well advanced plans for sites that have been acquired possibly with development approvals;
  • finance to deliver the program will have either been secured or negotiations will be far advanced;
  • they have a contract or agreement to meet.

There may be other attributes or features of a provider’s development activity that influence a Registrar’s assessment of tier. These concern the inherent risk of a project and do not necessarily mean the provider does not have the capacity to manage these risks. Examples include:

  • whether the development is high profile
  • has complex organisational / delivery arrangements or involves commercial activity too where risks of delays, partner failure may influence delivery of the community housing element
  • where funding sources are less secure or require additional oversight i.e. where community housing development is partially dependent upon income from sales.

Capacity or performance issues that are generally not part of tier assessment are financial performance, management or asset management, the quality of feasibility studies or development policy / procedural compliance issues. They will be considered in the overall registration or compliance assessment.

Additional information

For more information on how jurisdictions define and calculate community housing assets see the Community Housing Assets Calculation (PDF , 115.0 KB).

For more information on how the property data list is used to calculate the CHAPR see the Community Housing Asset Performance Reporting Calculation (PDF , 154.4 KB).

For more information on completing a registration or compliance return see the  CHRIS User (PDF , 3.0 MB) guide and guidance on Completing the Return (PDF , 460.7 KB).

Last updated:

12 Jul 2022

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